About us
Basic Commitment of the Toshiba Group

Committed to People
Committed to the Future
Our purpose
At Toshiba, we commit to raising the quality of life for people around the world, ensuring progress that is in harmony with our planet.
A sustainable and vibrant society!
A comfortable and exciting living!
This the future we believe in and work everyday to accomplish, driven by our ingenuity and expertise.
- Do the right thing. We act with integrity, honesty and openness, doing what’s right – not what’s easy.
- Look for a better way. We continually strive to find new and better ways, embracing change as a means of progress.
- Always consider the impact. We think about how what we do will change the world for the better, both today and for generations to come.
- Create together. We collaborate with each other and our customers, so that we can grow together.
Πάντα ένα βήμα μπροστά
Η Toshiba κατασκεύασε τα πρώτα κλιματιστικά μηχανήματα το 1950 και από τότε επενδύει στη συνεχή βελτίωσή τους. Ο ρόλος της σαν πρωτοπόρος της αγοράς ενδυναμώθηκε όταν εισήγαγε στην αγορά τον πρώτο περιστροφικό συμπιεστή και τα ηλεκτρονικά συστήματα ελέγχου.
Η δεκαετία του 1980, βρήκε την Toshiba να προσφέρει μια μεγάλη γκάμα προϊόντων. Ήταν η πρώτη που παρουσίασε στην αγορά κλιματιστικά τεχνολογίας Inverter το 1981 και διπλό περιστροφικό συμπιεστή το 1988. Το 1999, η Toshiba και πάλι πρωτοπορεί, εισάγοντας μια γκάμα προϊόντων με χρήση ψυκτικών μέσων R-410A και R-407C, που είναι φιλικότερα προς το περιβάλλον.
Η Toshiba με το πνεύμα καινοτομίας που τη χαρακτηρίζει, συνεχίζει την αδιάκοπη προσπάθεια βελτίωσης των προϊόντων και των συστημάτων της. Από το 1994 μέχρι και σήμερα, η Toshiba λαμβάνει κάθε χρόνο ένα αναγνωρισμένου κύρους βραβείο για τη μεγάλη της επιτυχία στον κλάδο.
Καινοτομίες για την παγκόσμια αγορά κλιματισμού
1981Το πρώτο κλιματιστικό Inverter παγκοσμίως
1988Το πρώτο κλιματιστικό Inverter με διπλό περιστροφικό συμπιεστή
1999Κλιματιστικά με φιλικότερα προς το περιβάλλον ψυκτικά μέσα R-410A & R-407C
2000Υβριδική Τεχνολογία DC Hybrid Inverter
2004SMMS-το VRF σύστημα με τον υψηλότερο συντελεστή COP στην αγορά
2007Super Daiseikai με φίλτρο αέρα Ag πλάσματος
2009Αντλία θερμότητας αέρος νερού, Estia - Super Daiseikai με βελτιωμένο συντελεστή COP
2010SMMS-i, η επόμενη γενιά του ενεργειακά αποδοτικού VRF συστήματος

Toshiba Air Conditioning’s strengths center on in-house research and development of advanced technologies and core components. They are accompanied by the production of air conditioners under the highest international standards, which incorporate quality control checks at each production stage for a wide variety of residential, commercial and business environments.
A global innovation network
Toshiba Air Conditioning has R&D centers in Japan, Europe, Thailand and China. Its global research activities are managed and integrated to ensure all research sites collaborate to provide innovative solutions to customers across the world.
The Toshiba brand proudly holds more than 1200 patents in Japan and abroad, an outstanding number for any company.
Each year since 1994, Toshiba Air Conditioning has received a prestigious award for its significant achievements in air conditioning. This demonstrates Toshiba’s innovative spirit, a relentless drive to improve its products and systems.

Products designed to perform, engineered to perfection
In 1981 Toshiba Air Conditioning was the first company to incorporate inverter technology into air conditioning systems and has maintained its technological advantage over its competitors ever since. The development of the new and exclusive DC hybrid inverter system has reaffirmed this ability to innovate
and maintain technological leadership in a fast-growing market.
But for Toshiba Air Conditioning, innovation also means strong commitment to international institutions that carefully evaluate the impact of new technologies on the environment.
We create exceptionally energy-efficient air-conditioners which satisfy every need, and at the same reduce the gas emissions that contribute to global warming.
We develop new technologies that protect future generations.

The Toshiba Group contributes to society by providing environmentally responsible products throughout the world. It develops and manufactures air conditioning, hot water supply and ventilation systems as well as compressors with business operations that aim to reduce environmental impact.
We believe that it is our responsibility to maintain the health of the global environment – an irreplaceable asset for future generations – and we contribute to the development of a sustainable society by promoting environmental activities designed to create a world that is low carbon, recycling-focused and environmentally harmonious.
Environmental Vision
Throughout the life cycle of products from manufacture and use to recycling and reuse, Toshiba Group will strive to provide safer and more comfortable lifestyles and create enriched value for customers.
Toshiba Group will also strive for harmony with the Earth by working to mitigate climate change, using resources efficiently, and managing chemicals properly in order to reduce environmental impacts. Our environmental management strategy has a name: Environmental Vision 2050.
Action Plan
In order to realize an ideal state of the Earth in 2050, Toshiba Group formulates Environmental Action Plan for medium-term goals and manages specific environmental activities and their targets.
Under the ongoing Sixth Environmental Action Plan for the period 2017- 2020, we set goals for 15 items in two areas: our namely activities to reduce environmental impacts in the lifecycles of products and services (Business), and basic activities to support such activities (Management).

Toshiba’s commitment to the future
We all want to play an active part in preserving our planet. At Toshiba Air Conditioning, we believe we can make a difference!
With a global vision for our evolving world, we are committed to advancing research and developing super-energy-efficient and cleaner technologies that not only use significantly less energy but help maintain air quality using state-of-the-art air purification systems for homes and businesses.
This commitment is in line with the 2030 European climate and energy package targets.

Toshiba also assesses the impacts of its business activities, products and services on the environment and sets targets aiming to reduce environmental impacts and prevent pollution.

In addition to mitigating climate change and reducing pollution, Toshiba Group is also conducting group-wide environmental activities based on the recognition of the importance of maintaining and expanding environments for conserving biodiversity.

AHI Carrier
Carrier is the first air conditioning company to enter the Greek market in 1952. In February 1996, Carrier Hellas Air Conditioning SA was created and took responsibility for the distribution and after-sales service of Carrier, Toshiba and Totaline air conditioning products. At the same time, it is launching operations in the Balkans, creating offices in Romania and Bulgaria.
In 2011, AHI Carrier, aiming to improve its services, includes the distribution of Carrier, Toshiba, Totaline products and their after-sales services in Greece, Cyprus and the Balkans to the already existing AHI Carrier FZC consortium, and the company’s name is changed to AHI Carrier Southeast Europe SA
- MISSION: Be customers' number one choice in air conditioning, heating, ventilation and commercial applications throughout the area in which we operate.
- PURPOSE: To create a comfortable and productive environment, whatever the climatic conditions, offering solutions that ensure high quality indoor air.
Toshiba Carrier Corporation
Toshiba Carrier Corporation was established in 1999 as a joint venture between the air conditioning department of Toshiba Corporation and Carrier Corporation. With the advent of Toshiba Carrier Corporation, two major companies have joined forces to offer a wide range of state-of-the-art air conditioning solutions.
The combination of the advantages and technologies of the two companies and the huge overseas network of Carrier Corporation, created an exceptional dynamic that made Toshiba Carrier an important player in the global air conditioning market.